Why Join Executive360

In the business world, the only constant is change and problems may be viewed as opportunities. Being “In Transition” is the constant that executives face with an ever increasing pace, and it is a problem if we do not seek opportunities to power up our networking to “Land” sooner than later. The law of numbers (quoted by HR polls and outplacement firms) tells us that it takes an average of 25 conversations with hiring managers to land, with an average of one to two conversations per week, this puts the search at 3 to 6 months; another recent estimate is that the search may average as much as a month for each $10,000 of income. Our group’s aim is to accelerate the process so we can be among the estimated 80% of successfully landed candidates who used networking in their job search.

Who We Are and What We Do in EXECUTIVE360

With this in mind, EXECUTIVE360 has been founded. We are a group of peers who join while in transition to help each other with networking, accountability, information and introductions to those B and A level contacts. With EXECUTIVE360, we expect that we will continue to network once landed to keep our network fresh and our connections “warm;” we will give back to those who are where we have been and where we may be again once or twice (or more) before retirement. We may feel urgency to network while in transition, however once we land, it may be easy to forget or defer networking. We desire members to be like-minded executives who understand this is the time to pay it forward and build a strong community.

How We Do It at EXECUTIVE360 

Everything is designed to help accelerate the landing. The virtual roundtables and video meetings provide a time leverage to allow more to be done in the time available. Helpful information to enable and assist the search is available through on-line content management repositories. All of which allow more networking to be achieved in compressed times.

How to Join EXECUTIVE360

To maintain a high level of quality in this networking community, membership is restricted to (director and above) executives and is available through sponsorship. Contact Paramjit Chumber through LinkedIn for sponsorship steps to membership

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